Best Time to Buy and Sell Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Tutorial

In a rush? If so, jump directly to the tutorial here


You’ve heard of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, right.

Of course you have – everyone has (and if you haven’t, where have you been?).

Yeah well, I’ve finally decided to jump in and have a dabble to see if I could make a quick buck with crypto.

Now I’ll be honest with you…

At first, I lost money – but after 6 or so months – I’m now turning over a tidy little profit from it.

So the question is; what exactly am I doing to make money with Bitcoin and crypto?

Well, in this post I’m going to spill the beans on what I’m doing and then show you how to do it too 🙂

Best Time to Buy and Sell Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Tutorial

First up, I want to quickly touch on the different ways you can make money with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies…

Basically, there’s two ways you can make money with crypto, these are:

    • Investing
    • Trading

Investing is where you buy and hold crypto for months or even years with the view it’ll go up in value.

Trading is where you buy with the intention to sell at a profit in a shorter time period – like a few days, hours or even within a few minutes.

Now I’ve got nothing against investing, it definitely works, but this young lady said it best…

So obviously, I opted for the trading route because, you know, my greed glands need satisfying today, not this time next year.

Now trading does bring in faster results than investing, but here’s the catch…

You have to be ultra tactical with your buying and selling when it comes to Bitcoin and cryptos.

Seriously, getting this wrong can result in you losing thousands, and trust me, I’d know firsthand 🙁

Thankfully, you won’t have to suffer the same fate I did because I’ll show you how to avoid the pitfalls I fell face-first into.

So you’re probably wondering “What’s your secret then, James?”

Well, it’s simple…

It basically boils down to buying and selling Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at the exact right time.

Like I said above, getting this wrong can result in losing money… And we don’t want that, do we.

So when’s the best time to buy and sell your Bitcoin and crypto for optimal profits?

Well to explain the process to you, I’ve created a nice little video tutorial showing you exactly how to do this.

This video is short, to the point with no fluff or filler-content whatsoever.

So within a few minutes from now, you’ll have learned a brand new method you can profit from and be ready to put it into action straight away.

Sounds good? I hope so because that’s what you’re getting today.

Anyway, here’s the best time to buy and sell Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies optimal profits:

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a day” course


Thanks for watching – really hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial on the best time to buy and sell Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

You really can make money in a short period of time with this tutorial so make sure to put it into action.

Before you head home for the day, I’ve got something else you may want in on…

If you want another quick and easy way of making money besides Bitcoin and crypto, then checkout my free course.

This course will walk you step by step through the entire process on how to make money from start to finish.

What’s really cool about it is that it’s easy to set up and it delivers fast results too.

In fact, you can make money with this as soon as today – providing you’re willing to put the work in, that is.

But here’s the best part…

Not only is this course free to access, it’s also free to implement too

So there’s no payment for additional services or programs – everything you make, you keep.

Pretty cool, huh.

Anyway, if you want access to my course for free, just click the big ol’ button below.

With that said, I’ll see you on the other side 🙂

Best Time to Buy and Sell Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Tutorial

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